Indian Flag

It was a Sunday of August the 15th. It was the 64th Independence day of India. Since it fell on Sunday this time, we the people had enough leisure time to show our patriotism. Tri-color Indian flag was all over the place. The tri colors, saffron, while and green was on my face all through the day. Thats when I realized that India is secular state but how non secular the Indian flag is.

Dictionary definition of secular says:
of or relating to the doctrine that rejects religion and religious considerations

If India as a nation is formed with rejecting religion and religious consideration, can it be any more inappropriate to choose a flag based on religious symbol. If the flag was proposed with green color on top and saffron at bottom, I seriously doubt it would have made it as a national flag!!!

So for India to walk to the talk, it should either change the flag or stop claiming we are secular state. Second one is easy because we have to remove the false image and admit the reality.

The hunt is On!

Yet again started up with the house hunt in bangalore!

House hunt is a phase of life every one has to go through and get over it.

Its the time which is mixed with all forms of feelings. Its an emotional state thats mixed with excitement, feeling of purpose, inferiority that i am not able afford the dream house, humiliation by the builders, feeling of incompetency in negotiations, desperation, frustrated on getting cheated again and again.... the list goes on and on.

For me these feeling are so intense that some times i don't even know how i feel !!

In the pasts many times i gave up the hunt, struck up in between the overwhelming information leading to confusion and the uncertain emotions.

Now I have started up with the hunt again after so much of procastination.
I am just hoping that i get over this phase very soon!

Want to sell your company – eBay it…

Yes that’s true. Recently some startup companies has put them self for sale on the eBay. One such recent company is Check out this post for a short interview with owner of the company. But the irony is there aren’t any bidders for this company yet!!!

eBay has transformed itself from just a eShopping portal to eSelling portal. Anything sells in eBay!!!
Check out this sell deal in ebay, and place your bid :-)

True State of Freedom

I was reading an interesting book called “Buddhism Plain and Simple”. He was explaining about state of freedom, the subtle truth he explains took quite a time for me to realize. He sates that, many of us have a general perception for freedom as having lots of options and ability to choose any of the option as one likes. But that’s not a true state of freedom.

The true state of freedom is where number of option and kind of option doesn’t bother us at all. Having one option or 100 options means one and the same. Have 2 good options or having 10 bad options are one and the same. True state of freedom doesn’t confine with in options.

I know my statement is also vague to understand, it’s a subtle truth. It might take a little while to realize, but once realized it stays crystal clear…

Encounter with Gusty

After long days of hesitation I finally decided to upgrade my existing Festy to Gusty. I have KDE and Gnome installed in my Festy distributing. After upgrading to Gusty I had a very slow UI, screen refresh is very slow and CPU load was peaking on every window refresh. The system was totally un-usable. Later I found out that there is bug in kernel which gets exposed in some systems with KDE and latest copiz. I tied to tweak in X and compiz settings but finally ended up screwing up my X. So I decided to scrap the existing installation and install ubuntu Gusty afresh. This time system performance is good and as per expectation.

Later I stared with the usual routine of puring the already installed modules and installing additional modules. I was very careful to pick and choose only the required modules. And after I have typed quite a lot of 'apt-get installs' I concluded the installation session. Did some bit of desktop and awn customization. System connected to net with out issues, both on wire-line and wireless. But then came the surprise, I found that my audio driver is not working :-( I was very surprised because as it was working fine in Festy. I started googling on the issue and found that alsa doesn't support my Intel hda sound card yet. And also found that there is a bug logged on alsa and ubuntu for 82801G version of hda driver. I couldn't find any work around yet !!! I am yet to test the video capabilities, I am already exhausted with audio issue, so I decided to give it a pause and live with no audio and video for some time.

So, put it short as of now encounter is still on. Yet to resolve issues... but net to net, I love the interface, customization and the feel of linux :-)

Best “Last Photo” ever taken

Was amazed when i looked at this photo.
Many Questions pop up in the mind..

What are the chances that the photographer survived the accident ?
How did they recover this photo??
How did the camera survive the crash???
How did the photographer got a though to take photo instead of panicking to escape????
Is this photo really real ?????

10 New Ways to Find a living Online

So you want to ditch your corporate cubicle and join the ranks of web workers? But you have a mortgage, maybe a dependent or two, and a taste for Venti Mochas from Starbucks? You can make money in the new economy, though it might not be as easy or cushy as keeping your old economy job. I’m not talking about advertising or affiliate marketing or selling your junk on eBay. Those are so last millennium! I’m talking about the new new economy.

This article has listed out 10 new ways to make money(living) online.
