Send your name to Pluto

NASA is preparing to send the New Horizons probe to Pluto. It will be the first earth device to get intimate with the icy planet. And you can be there too - or, at least, your name. NASA is asking everyone to send them their names, which will be attached in the space device. The New Horizons probe will be launched in January 2006 to explore Pluto and the Kuiper belt, in the outskirts of the Solar System. It is expected that the probe will return to earth in approximately 50 thousand years.

Test your browser’s popup blocker
This site has varieties of popup generators. Use this to find out how efficient your popup blocker is.

I ran a test with it on IE with Google popup blocker and Firefox (It has inbuilt popup blocker).
The result, IE failed in 4 test and Firefox 1.

Tests failed in IE
Come & Go Test
Floating popup
Modeless Window
Floating banner
Sticky popup

Test failed in Firefox
Drop down Popup

Science, as applied to stuff that doesn't deserve it

Science, as applied to stuff that doesn't deserve it: "How to value a bottle of wine - feel the depth of its dimple"

Handy equation to find the price of Wine Bottle.
Price of bottle = (Dimple depth in mm + £3.49) / 4.3144