Want to sell your company – eBay it…
eBay has transformed itself from just a eShopping portal to eSelling portal. Anything sells in eBay!!!
Check out this sell deal in ebay, and place your bid :-)
True State of Freedom
The true state of freedom is where number of option and kind of option doesn’t bother us at all. Having one option or 100 options means one and the same. Have 2 good options or having 10 bad options are one and the same. True state of freedom doesn’t confine with in options.
I know my statement is also vague to understand, it’s a subtle truth. It might take a little while to realize, but once realized it stays crystal clear…
Encounter with Gusty
Later I stared with the usual routine of puring the already installed modules and installing additional modules. I was very careful to pick and choose only the required modules. And after I have typed quite a lot of 'apt-get installs' I concluded the installation session. Did some bit of desktop and awn customization. System connected to net with out issues, both on wire-line and wireless. But then came the surprise, I found that my audio driver is not working :-( I was very surprised because as it was working fine in Festy. I started googling on the issue and found that alsa doesn't support my Intel hda sound card yet. And also found that there is a bug logged on alsa and ubuntu for 82801G version of hda driver. I couldn't find any work around yet !!! I am yet to test the video capabilities, I am already exhausted with audio issue, so I decided to give it a pause and live with no audio and video for some time.
So, put it short as of now encounter is still on. Yet to resolve issues... but net to net, I love the interface, customization and the feel of linux :-)
Best “Last Photo” ever taken
Many Questions pop up in the mind..
What are the chances that the photographer survived the accident ?
How did they recover this photo??
How did the camera survive the crash???
How did the photographer got a though to take photo instead of panicking to escape????
Is this photo really real ?????
10 New Ways to Find a living Online
This article has listed out 10 new ways to make money(living) online.
How to find your passion?
Define your passion:
What “fires you up”? For some people the answer to this question is very obvious. For others, it is a little more difficult.
If you are facing difficulty giving a definite answer set aside 30 minutes to answer three questions:
- What would I want my life to be like when I am 60?
- What do I want to have accomplished 5 years from now?
- What are the three things I would want to do if I only had 6 months to live?
Each question will have several answers. Choose the top three answers for each question.
Now out of the nine goals you have identified, cull out the three that look most important to you. Obviously, these three goals are things that are very important to you. You should naturally be passionate about achieving them: If not, you may need to set goals that are on a grander or more beneficial scale!
15 Different Ways to Laces your Shoes
This particular pattern caught my attention…
25 things you should have learned by the time you have reached middle age
- If you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out.
- Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often.
- Going to church doesn't make you a Christian, any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
- It ain't the jeans that make your butt look fat.
- Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity.
- My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance.
- Not one shred of evidence supports the notion that life is serious.
- It is easier to get forgiveness than permission.
- For every action, there is an equal and opposite government program.
- If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.
- Bills travel through the mail at twice the speed of checks.
- A conscience is what hurts when all of your other parts feel so good.
- Eat well, stay fit, die anyway.
- Men are from earth. Women are from earth. Deal with it.
- No man has ever been shot while doing the dishes.
- A balanced diet is a cookie in each hand.
- Middle age is when broadness of the mind and narrowness of the waist change places.
- Opportunities always look bigger going than coming.
- Junk is something you've kept for years and throw away three weeks before you need it.
- There is always one more imbecile than you counted on.
- Experience is a wonderful thing. It enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again.
- By the time you can make ends meet, they move the ends.
- Thou shalt not weigh more than thy refrigerator.
- Someone who thinks logically, provides a nice contrast to the real world.
- If you must choose between two evils, pick the one you've never tried before.
Checkout my portfolio on the side bar!!!
Myth & Reality of communications
Today I happened to read an article on business communication. There was list of myths and realities on communication. I am quoting it here for people like me who (still/was) believes in these myths.
Myth: We communication consciously and deliberately
Reality: We actually communicate unconsciously all the time
Myth: We communicate primarily through words
Reality: We use both verbal as well as non-verbal means of communication
Myth: Words mean the same to every one
Reality: The meaning of words lies more in the perception of reality
Myth: Communication is a one sided process
Reality: Communication is a two-way process
Myth: The message sent and the message received is identical
Reality: The transmitted message and received message can not be identical
Myth: The responsibility of effective communication rests with both the sender and the receiver
Reality: The responsibility of effective communication rests with the sender alone
Yahoo mash up for Bangalore and Delhi
For a local mash up service lots need to be added to the site, like business information, deals, maps, etc. If this service spans out in these dimensions it will be another successful service from yahoo
Profile of a Software Engineer
Profile of a Software Engineer
About me: I think I am changing the world, but I am not. I think I am contributing to the Indian economy, but I guess I am not. I think I love my work, but I do not. I think I hate all people who made me earn my engineering degree, and I do. I think I am living, but and most importantly, I am LOOKING for someone!! Ok...I won't be funny anymore. I am a cool guy with a zeal to enjoy life (If you know me "Just stop laughing!!")
Relationship status : what?
Birthday : The day my PL is about to fire me.
Age : 10111
Here for: web browsing in company hours.
Children : can't be (hey, don't get me wrong here!!)
Ethnicity : Programmer.
Languages I speak : Java, C/C++, 010101110101
Religion: I get holidays on all religious festivals, so I love all religions.
Political view : the guy sitting beside me is a pig!!
Humor : weekly.
Fashion: Ask my company HR. Btw, I like jeans, t-shirt and a cross-bag.
Smoking: The second greatest pleasure on the earth.
Drinking : The first is this.
Pets: Yeah, my PL looks like a dog. :-)
Living: Come on, this is a stupid one. How can this be asked to a software engineer? Believe me, I am living!!
Hometown : My company (Oh God! Please bring my appraiser to this page)
Webpage: http://naukri. com, http://jobsahead. com, http://monster.com * - Isn't it Ultimate???
Passions: searching for the cheapest pub around, cursing my company, looking for other company, remembering my good old college days, worrying about my future.
Sports: quake, CS (Counter Strike), computer chess.
Activities: Are you crazy?
Books: "How to lose weight in 20 days?", "How to live a happy life?", "101 ways to attract a girl", "Java Unleashed", "C++ at your footsteps", Others censored.
Music: Metallica, Pink Floyd, Nirvana, ACDC, and anything depressing.
TV shows : can't afford one.
Cuisines : Bread Butter, Maggi, burgers and anything available for FREE within 200 meters of my cubicle....
Myth Busters
Some of my myth got busted are...
- Humans use only 10 percent of their brains
- The Great Wall of China is the only man made structure visible from space
- There is no gravity in space
Big Bucks Entering Indian Real-estate
A latest article in moneycontrol states that
Well will this surge the prices of Indian real estate market? Many analysts says no since in the supply-demand ratio the demand has not changed, but nevertheless the demand is still high and hence the price will keep increasing in steady phase as it is now.
But I am surprised to find that, in this 6 page detailed analysis report there is no mention of the ‘Big Daddy’ the
Indian Online Relationsip Counseling Portal
I am very surprised to know that, a new online relationship counseling portal has been launched especially for Indians. The site offers online counselor for as little charge as Rs 150 for 30 minutes. Generally Indians don’t like to discuss about the relationship with others, most of them stick to their parents and sister/brother for advices. It could also be a reason for Indians to use this service. Since this service is available for affordable rate and with complete anonymity, many Indians will give a try for sure provided they realize that such service is available at the correct time.
13 Photographs That Changed the World.